Your Font Fix for February

Font Fix series February cover image

By Nine Blaess | 1:00 min

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    I love typefaces. I can spend hours looking for the perfect fonts just to realise there is no way to use them all. So, I will leave them here to inspire you.

    Enjoy my favourite Fonts of February.

    Type specimen Grafier

    Grafier by Pangram Pangram

    Consisting of 10 styles | 5 Weights in 2 two contrast variations

    Get it here
    Type specimen FF Meta

    FF Meta by FontShop

    Get it here
    Type specimen Neue Montreal

    Neue Montreal by Pangram Pangram

    Get it here
    Type specimen Habitas

    Habitas by Tighttype

    Get it here
    Type specimen Optima

    Optima by Linotype

    Get it here
    Type specimen Young Serif

    Young Serif by NoirBlancRouge (free)

    Get it here

    If you want to learn more about typography, you might enjoy my blog post on finding the perfect typeface for a brand.

    Picture of Nine Blaess

    Nine Blaess

    Hello, I’m Nine. I blend strategy and design to craft engaging brand identities and websites that celebrate the uniqueness of each business.

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